Repent therefore and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, so that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord... Act 3:19

Thank you for sharing this amazing story of love, forgiveness and the grace of God.
Min. Erica
Source of Wellness = S(our)ce of (Well)ness, (our) (well) for everything we need in Jesus Christ.
Dr. C. Minter
We are so grateful to you guys for the role you're playing in helping us to get back to that place of wholeness. God's continued blessings upon you and your ministry.
Mr. & Mrs. From Grenada
Hello Family & Friends, you're invited to join us in The Upper Room Worship Experience every Sunday 8 AM - 12 Noon Hosted By Jason & Tinasha Gray
Devotional Teacher/Author Glenesha Mc Intosh, Dr. Linda Chinn, Prayer Team and Preachers - Drs. Linda & Carlton Truesdale, Mins. Roger & Erica Anderson. Our weekly guest preacher brings you the unadulterated Word of God and an authentic worship encounter. Our Service is simulcasted on 106LiveRadio.com and 106Inspiration.com, also broadcasting on Facebook & YouTube.
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